

  • It is an established fact that a franchise business stands a higher chance of success than developing a new business at the grass-root level.
  • Our refined and well-developed product is a sure way to give you the maximum business to meet break-even in the first year of its establishment.
  • Our franchising will surely provide a quick and easy way to become a business owner.
  • Since our brand earns reputed goodwill, you will get a loyal consumer base.
  • We would be committed to providing continual support to the franchises including field support specialists to keep business on track and groom owners as leaders.
  • Our franchise system allows an entrepreneur to expand the business more effectively and efficiently as he wants.

Equipment & Supplies

When it comes to a startup business, the owner is required to arrange all the supplies that must meet the high-quality standards and also negotiate the best possible deals whereas. In a franchise, all this work is done by the franchisor you just have to invest the money rest of all the hard work will be done by the franchisor. Our fully integrated Point of sale (PSO) system provides full stock control and an automotive re-ordering facility, ensuring stock security and vital daily gross profit calculations. Our stock maximization system reduces stock handling levels, assisting you at all levels to have the minimum and maximum stock at the right time.

Marketing and publicity

In a startup business, one requires more investments in marketing and advertising with no guaranteed commitment of return. When it comes to franchises along with a reputed name like Code Clothing Pvt Ltd, you will also get a loyal consumer base. There is an immediate trust level that comes with the name recognition of the franchise. For this, our team of marketing professionals will ensure that our launch carries maximum local publicity. You will be immensely benefited from our national promotion programmer and our corporate website. You will also have input and help from the franchisee on how to craft and execute effective campaigns of your own as well. Depending upon the size and resources of the franchise, our marketing plan cover-up market analysis, strategy, sales forecast, and budget that will help you market the brand.

Speed to Market

Referring to the startup business, the owner has to do prior research and prepare a proper estimate for all materials, equipment, and office space which might not turn out to be perfect resulting in a loss of money and opportunity. But when it comes to our franchise, all the requirements are already sorted beforehand as it is a replication of business and hence the business operations can begin in a considerably short span of time.

Return on Investment

Since we are an established brand for over a decade, our RIO is faster as compared to your own startups which take a good amount of money and time in building up a client name and brand name. A franchise gives immunity to failures that costs money, energy, and frustration.

Peer Support

With our existing vast range of business networks, the franchise owner can benefit from obtaining business knowledge to address challenges and issues. Peer support is stronger in franchises than in a startup business.

Product/ Service Innovation

Any kind of business innovation requires a lot of time and money investment. We provide in-depth business innovation to our franchise with changing trends in fashion after trying and testing, implementing the new offering in the franchisee stores with a sure way to profit-making business.

Site Selections

Our experts will help with site selection with a wealth of their experience by negotiating with landlords and laying a strong foundation for the franchise business. We would expect you to find a suitable location that meets our criteria. This will be a location in the high street or large shopping center providing ways & means for the growth of a franchise.


Eventually, we being professionals know the brass tacks of a successful business, our franchise system allows an entrepreneur to expand the business more effectively and efficiently as he wants.

Multiple Ways of Investments 

We offer multi-dimensional sources of Investment with the utmost security and a sure way of lucrative earnings on regular basis. To explore these secured opportunities of fortified and rewarding investment, feel free to contact us. Our professional services are at your disposal with just one click